



  • 什么是Oranum?

    Oranum is the world’s largest spiritual community, and the only live streaming platform that allows users to video chat, call, and message Psychics and Esoteric Advisors from the comfort of their home. Though recognized worldwide for its Psychics, anyone with a spiritual message or skill (ranging from Astrology, dream interpretation, Reiki, Tarot card reading, meditation, clairvoyance, and more) can use Oranum. Our mission is to help connect, inspire, and empower the world’s spiritual community by bringing ancient knowledge to the digital age.

  • 有什么奖励?

    Our Awards reward the most active and hard-working Experts in various categories. We have new Awards each week and the contest lasts for 7 days. Every member can help their favorite Expert in each category.

  • How can I give points to Experts in the Awards?

    Giving points to your favorite Expert is easy: all you need to do is use the Awards category’s feature with your favorite Expert! For example, you can send messages to an Expert to support them in the "Messenger" Awards category.

  • 我给与积点的次数有限制吗?

    You can give points as many times as you want! Just keep using the feature of the category you want to see your favorite Expert rise in.

  • What is Auto-reload?

    The Auto-reload feature allows members to enjoy private sessions without interruption. This feature gives the system permission to automatically top-up the Subscriber’s credit balance whenever the account balance falls to 7 credits. By default the Auto-reload purchases a 27.99 package, however the member has the option to change the Auto-reload purchase amount.

  • How can I activate Auto-reload?

    You can activate the Auto-reload feature in your "Account Settings" among countless other places.

  • How can I disable Auto-reload?

    To deactivate the feature, go to your Settings and deselect the Auto-reload option.

  • Cam2Cam是什么?

    Cam2Cam is a feature that allows Members to share their camera feeds with Experts in Private Chat. The feature can be enabled by clicking on the camera icon on the left side of Expert’s live camera feeds.



  • 双向音频是什么?

    Two-Way audio is a feature that allows Members to talk to Experts via audio in Private Chat. It is important to mention that not all Experts have this feature available, and that it may incur extra per-minute charges.

  • What is Top Member?

    The Top Member feature is exactly what it sounds like. You can become the Top Member of your favorite Expert's room! All you need to do is be the person who sends the most credits in Surprises.

    As soon as you do, a message sent to everyone else in the room will announce you as the new Top Member for 24 hours or until someone takes the title from you. It goes without saying that the Expert will be extremely pleased as well, and will feel much closer to you.

    Try it out and become a Top Member today!

  • 什么是故事?

    Follow your favorite Experts and see their whole new spiritual world! Thanks to Stories, Experts can now share spiritual moments with their members.

    There are two different types of Stories, Free and Premium. Everyone can view the Free Stories, but only those members that subscribe to an Experts for a one-time flat fee can enjoy their Premium Stories.

    Once you subscribe to an Experts's Premium Stories, you will have access to all of the Experts's Stories for 7 days. Enjoy!

  • 什么是MyContent?

    Experts can upload 3 different types of content to their profile: Pictures, Videos, and Notes. Pictures and Videos can be either Free or Premium. Anyone can enjoy the Expert’s Free Content, but Premium Content must be purchased for the price specified by the Expert. Once a member purchases the Premium Content (Photo album, Video, etc), they will have access to it for 90 days. After that time however, access to the Premium Content will end.

  • What is Group Session?

    Come together! With Group Session, you and other members can take part in a scheduled session by your favorite Expert. Since multiple members will watch at the same time, the price per minute of a Group Session is very affordable. Every Group Session has a pre-session, to give time for members to join in and contribute to the Group Session’s Credit goal. Experts also include descriptions of their sessions, to tell you what you can expect in their sessions. Group Session will only start if the Expert manually starts them or if the Credit goal is reached. Once the Group Session starts, only those members that gave the minimum amount of Credits or more can enjoy the session. Please note, an Expert may cancel the Group Session at any time during the pre-session. You can search for Group Session on our webpage by using the related “Group Session” filter.

  • 如何用视频聊天?

    The Experts have a webcam or camcorder set up in their room or studio giving live video feed through the Internet. Many Experts have audio option as well, so they can be seen and heard the same time.


  • How do I chat with an Expert?

    Once you enter a chat room, you may begin a conversation with the Expert in the chat field. You will find many other users in Free Chat, including other members and guests. Guests may only choose from among a predefined set of messages to send to the Expert. Registered members may type their own messages. Please note that the Expert 's messages will appear in a different color than the members’. Messages from members will also have different colors depending on their Reward Club level.

    If you feel you have a connection with the Expert, you may move to a Private Chat by clicking on “Start Private” button. During a private session you may also activate your own webcam to interact with the Expert with the Cam2Cam or Two-Way Audio feature.

  • 如何离开聊天室?

    You can leave a chat room by simply clicking on the Close button on the top-right corner. In Private Chat Oranum uses per second billing, which ensures that Premium Members only pay for the actual time spent one-on-one with the Expert.

  • Oranum安全吗?

    毋庸置疑!Oranum高度重视其所有用户的安全和保障。多重安全措施到位,如256位SSL加密,遵守GDPR及其它严格的数据保护政策,您在网站上是完全受保护的。此外,为了继续运营,Oranum必须每年进行审计,以满足支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)的严格行业要求,这也确保了您的安全。如果您遇到任何技术问题,我们的支持团队将全天候24/7提供即时帮助。


  • 如何续购点数?


    1. 选择一种支付方式
    2. 选择想要的点数套餐
    3. 输入必要的细节,完成点数购买过程

    While in a chat room there are also several chances to purchase Credits before, during, or after a Private Session.


  • 点数购买不成功怎么办?



    If you received an email from "JWS Americas/International S.à r.l." regarding the transaction, please reply to the email as soon as possible. A JWS Americas/International S.à r.l. representative will shortly contact you.

    If you don't receive an email from JWS Americas/International S.à r.l. regarding the transaction, you may contact our customer service in the following ways:

    1. 从您在Oranum账号中登记的邮箱地址发送邮件help@jwsbill.com.
    2. Call the 24-hour helpline: (+352) 20 88 27 91.
      Please note that live support is available only in English.

    JWS Americas/International S.à r.l. is the operator of Oranum.com. For more information on JWS Americas/International S.à r.l. visit jwsbill.com.

  • 我在哪儿可以咨询账单信息?

    You may contact JWS Americas/International S.à r.l. Customer Service for billing information in one of the following ways:

    1. 从您在Oranum账号中登记的邮箱地址发送邮件help@jwsbill.com.
    2. Call the 24-hour helpline: (+352) 20 88 27 91.
      Please note that live support is available only in English.

    You may also contact your payment processor's consumer support:

  • 如何获取免费点数?

    When a new member registers on Oranum.com, they may claim 9.99 FREE Credits by validating their credit card. This option is only available for first-time users. Existing users that create a new account will not be eligible for this offer.
    Furthermore, we have frequent promotions, where members can earn up to 90% discount on their purchase!

  • Oranum免费吗?

    Yes. You can get your first taste of Oranum without even opening a member account. You can browse live video streams and tons of photo and video content by Experts. To create your own username and save your favorites you can create a member account - also for free. To get more intimate with an Expert - in a private session for example - you will need credits. You can purchase a credit package or try our free 9.99 Credits offer for simply validating your credit card.


  • 我忘记了我的密码。我该怎么办?

    如果您无法记起您的密码,请访问忘记密码 页面。



  • 普通会员账号和高级会员账号有什么区别?

    Basic Members can enjoy unlimited chat with Experts in the Free Chat area and get recognized with their unique name by the Experts. A Basic Member may also create a personal list of Favorites among their preferred Experts.

    The obvious benefit of being a Premium Members is the chance to privately interact with the Experts. To enjoy all the special acts listed in the Expert’s Personal Info (under Expertise), Members have to be in Private Chat. Premium Members can also exchange offline messages with Experts and send them Surprises in their chat rooms.


  • 我是高级会员,但我的账户好像受限了,怎么回事?



    1. Viewing certain Expert Photo Albums
    2. 在聊天中使用表情符号
    3. 聊天翻译器
    4. Liking or commenting on Experts' My Content.
  • 如何检查我的点数余额?


  • 如何注销我的会员资格?


Oranum Experts

  • Oranum真实吗?

    Of course! Oranum’s thousands of Experts come from many different countries all over the world (and all of them real). Not only are the Experts real, but so are the emotions and relationships on the website. The bonds and connections formed on Oranum are more personal and spiritual than anything you’ve had and can last for a lifetime! Experience it for yourself if you want to see how real and genuine Oranum can be!

  • Are Oranum Experts live?

    At any given time, thousands of Experts are streaming live on Oranum, while many thousands more are active at other times, so be sure to check back regularly to get to know all of them. If you see a green dot in the bottom left corner of an Expert’s profile picture, that means that Expert is online and live right now! If an Expert is not live currently, but you would like to be notified when they come online, you can request that from the Expert’s chat page.

  • Who are the best Experts on Oranum?

    Oranum features the best and the most spiritual Experts on the internet, our 5 million members can attest to that! But, if you already know what your type is, you can easily find the best Expert for you with help of the different filters. Also, we highly recommend you check out the best of the best by navigating to the "Top Experts” page.

  • When is a Expert online?

    On the Live Cams page the available Experts are clearly visible in their thumbnail. Experts just entering into Private Session or going offline have a notice appearing on the bottom of their thumbnails.

  • How can I add a Expert to my Favorites list?

    You can add any Expert to your Favorites by clicking on the heart icon in the bottom right corner of their thumbnail on the list page, or on the left side of their chat room. You can view your Favorite list by clicking on the same heart icon in the top header of Oranum, next to your messages. Please note, your rank determines how many Expert you may add to your Favorites list.

  • How can I find a specific Expert?

    The easiest way to find your preferred Expert is by entering simple words in the search bar on the top of the page, describing your preference (i.e.: horoscope, tarot etc.). Specific Expert may also be located by entering their broadcaster name into the same search bar.

  • I was not satisfied with a Private Session. Can I get a refund?

    If you were unsatisfied with an Expert's Private Session, please contact Oranum Customer Support by sending an email or by visiting our Online Support Chat, within 24 hours counted from the occurrence. Refunds are granted for specific instances, determined on a case-by-case basis, so we urge you to refer to Oranum Refund Policy before contacting customer support.

    更多信息, 请参阅Oranum退款政策。

  • How can I send messages to Experts?

    You can send a message to an Expert whenever you want. Simply click on the envelope icon in the top header of Oranum, next to your Favorite list. You can send text messages of up to 250 characters. You can also send audio, video, and photo messages as well. Photos must be JPG, JPEG, or PNG, and max. 15 MB. Videos can be AVI, MPEG, MPG, MOV, FLV, F4V, MP4, or MKV, must be between 3 and 60 seconds long, and max. 350 MB. You can start a messaging streak by sending and receiving messages from an Expert for 3 consecutive days. Keep your streak alive by sending messages every day! Sending a message costs at least 1.5 Credits.


  • 开启Cam2Cam点对点视频
    • 在Chrome,您可以通过以下步骤设置您的摄像头:

      1. 打开Chrome。
      2. 点击右上角的三个点,然后单击设置。
      3. 最底部,点击高级设置。
      4. 在“隐私和安全”下,点击内容设置。
      5. 点击摄像头。
      6. 在页面顶部的下拉式列表中选择您的摄像头。
      7. 确保允许设置“执行前询问”(不要选择“阻止”)。
      8. 从阻止和/或允许列表中将我们的网站移除。这很重要,因为我们的网站就会在下次打开您的摄像头之前向您询问权限。一旦网站提示您许可,那么就选择允许。


    • 在火狐中,您可以采用以下方式设置您的摄像头:

      1. 打开火狐。
      2. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      3. Start a Private Chat by clicking on the "Start Private Session" button on the bottom of the page. (You can also launch a Private Chat by clicking on the Camera icon on the left hand side of the Expert's live camera feed.)
      4. 点击摄像头标签,打开您的摄像头。
      5. 会提示您允许我们的网站使用您的摄像头。
      6. 在出现面板的下拉列表中选择您的摄像头。
      7. 点击“允许”。如果您希望您的浏览器记住您在本网站的设置,您也可以选择“记住本设置”选框。
    • 由于Cam2Cam无法在HTML版本的网络链接上使用,为在此浏览器上使用您的摄像头,首先请按以下方式激活您的Flash Player:

      1. 打开链接。
      2. 点击右上角的三个点,然后单击设置。
      3. 向下滚动找到高级设置,然后点击查看高级设置按钮。
      4. 找到使用Adobe Flash Player选项,然后设置为“开”。
      5. 如果您导航至我们的网站且仍然显示为HTML版本,请查看是否是右边URL栏的小游戏导致。查看后,点击以激活Flash Player。


      1. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      2. Right-click on the Expert's live camera feed.
      3. 在显示的菜单中选择“设置”。
      4. 点击摄像头标签,进入摄像头栏。
      5. 在该栏,从下拉列表中选择您想要使用的摄像头。
      6. 点击描述屏幕的标签,以进入隐私选项卡。
      7. 选择“允许”和“记住”。
    • 很遗憾,IE不支持Cam2Cam。


    • 利用Safari,您可以通过以下方式设置您的相机:

      1. 打开Safari。
      2. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      3. Start a Private Chat by clicking on the "Start Private Session" button on the bottom of the page. (You can also launch a Private Chat by clicking on the Camera icon on the left hand side of the Expert's live camera feed.)
      4. 点击摄像头标签,打开您的摄像头。
      5. 会提示您允许我们的网站使用您的摄像头。
      6. 点击“允许”。

      请注意,该功能仅在Safari 12.1及以上版本(macOS 10.14.4)可用

  • 激活双向音频
    • 在Chrome,您可以按照以下方式使用您的麦克风:

      1. 打开Chrome。
      2. 点击右上角的三个点,然后单击设置。
      3. 最底部,点击高级设置。
      4. 在“隐私和安全”下,点击内容设置。
      5. 点击麦克风。
      6. 在页面顶部的下拉列表中选择您的麦克风。
      7. 确保允许设置“执行前询问”(不要选择“阻止”)。
      8. 从阻止和/或允许列表中将我们的网站移除。这很重要,因为我们的网站就会在下次打开您的摄像头之前向您询问权限。一旦网站提示您许可,那么就选择允许。
      9. After these steps you can start a Private session, in which you can turn your microphone on with the Microphone icon on the left hand side of the Expert's live camera feed.


    • 在火狐中,您可以采用以下方式设置您的摄像头:

      1. 打开火狐。
      2. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      3. Start a Private Chat by clicking on the "Start Private Session" button on the bottom of the page. (You can also launch a Private Chat by clicking on the Microphone icon on the left hand side of the Expert's live camera feed.)
      4. 点击麦克风标签,打开您的麦克风。
      5. 您将收到提示,允许我们网站使用您的麦克风。
      6. 在显示面板的下拉列表中选择您的麦克风。
      7. 点击“允许”。如果您希望您的浏览器记住您在本网站的设置,您也可以选择“记住本设置”选框。
    • 由于Cam2Cam无法在HTML版本的网络链接上使用,为在此浏览器上使用您的摄像头,首先请按以下方式激活您的Flash Player:

      1. 打开链接。
      2. 点击右上角的三个点,然后单击设置。
      3. 向下滚动找到高级设置,然后点击查看高级设置按钮。
      4. 找到使用Adobe Flash Player选项,然后设置为“开”。
      5. 如果您导航至我们的网站且仍然显示为HTML版本,请查看是否是右边URL栏的小游戏导致。查看后,点击以激活Flash Player。


      1. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      2. Right-click on the Expert's live camera feed.
      3. 在显示的菜单中选择“设置”。
      4. 点击麦克风图标,进入麦克风标签。
      5. 在本标签中,选择下拉列表中您想要使用的麦克风。
      6. 对着麦克风说话,如果必要,调整音频的音量。如果一切顺利,一个绿色的工作栏将会出现在面板的左边。
      7. 点击描述屏幕的标签,以进入隐私选项卡。
      8. 选择“允许”和“记住”。
    • 很遗憾,IE不支持双向音频。


    • 利用Safari,您可以通过以下方式设置您的相机:

      1. 打开Safari。
      2. Go to our site and open any Experts' rooms.
      3. Start a Private Chat by clicking on the "Start Private Session" button on the bottom of the page. (You can also launch a Private Chat by clicking on the Microphone icon on the left hand side of the Expert's live camera feed.)
      4. 点击麦克风标签,打开您的麦克风。
      5. 您将收到提示,允许我们网站使用您的麦克风。
      6. 点击“允许”。
  • 推荐浏览器

    对于Windows和Android,采用最新版本的Google Chrome,对于Mac和iOS,采用最新版的Safari。


    1. Windows: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge
    2. Mac: Safari, Google Chrome
    3. Android: Google Chrome, Android Webview, Samsung Internet
    4. iOS: Safari, Google Chrome


    If you experience any problem browsing our site (such as strange error messages, cannot enter an Expert chat room, can't see video streams, etc.) we recommend the clearing of cookies and cache from your browser.

    For your convenience we've created an application that can assist you cleaning the browser with a single click and giving it a fresh start.



    请确保您的隐私浏览(对于Mozilla Firefox),Incognito(对于Chrome), InPrivate(对于Edge)是禁用的。










    Internet Explorer




  • 我需要专门技术帮助



  • 没有信用卡/借记卡的话能购买点数么?


  • 我试着用一张银行卡购买点数,但我的交易却被拒绝了,这是什么原因?

    There could be several reasons why your card might get declined. Please check the available funds on your account as well as the card's expiration date. Some issuing banks may also block online transactions, if they reoccur in an unusual frequency. Please contact your bank to clarify their payment policy. If the problem still exists, send an email to help@jwsbill.com describing what type of card you attempt to use. If we can't provide you with a solution we may offer other billing options.

  • 我的信用卡账单上会怎么显示?

    We're highly sensitive about your privacy concerns. All your transactions with Oranum will appear discretely under one of the following company names (depending on the payment provider you use):

  • jwsbill.com是谁?

    under jwsbill.com you may find all contact information to JWS Americas S.à r.l. and JWS International S.à r.l., which are the operators of various websites, including Oranum.com. they also provide billing support for those websites.

  • Why haven't I received an email sales confirmation/receipt?




  • 我账单上显示的收费时间和我实际购买时间不相符,这是为什么?


  • Oranum采用何种保护性措施来保障我的数据安全?

    Oranum takes extraordinary measures to protect your private data. Our billing platform absolutely meets the international requirements of (1)PCI DSS, and our company is regularly validated by (2)McAfee and VeriSign as well. We ensure that your data is always secure, so you don't have to be concerned while using Oranum.

    • PCI DSS由美国运通、探索频道、JCB国际、万事达卡、以及维萨卡公司于2006年建立,他们平分委员会的管理与执行工作。这是一种多方面的安全标准,包括安全管理、政策、规程、网络结构、软件设计以及其它至关重要的保护方式的标准。这一综合标准帮助机构主动地保护客户的账户数据。
    • 通过显示McAfee安全信任标记,消费者可以确信本网站已经进行过严格的扫描和漏洞测试,以解除对消费者敏感信息的潜在威胁。VeriSign公司专门从事数据加密和电子商务业务,该公司在业界是最被广泛用来证明网站的安全性和私密性的。
  • 我有的问题在常见支付问题中找不到答案,怎么办?

    If you haven't found answers to your question or you were looking for information regarding a specific charge on your credit card, please contact JWS Americas S.à r.l. or JWS International S.à r.l. here.